Contact Us

Please select from the following location:

E-Mail Addresses:

Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to public records requests, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.

Public Records Request

For requests pertaining to the Sumter County Tax Collector please submit a Public Records Request by mail, email , or phone.

Rachel Baggett, Records Management Liaison Officer
Public Records Request
Sumter County Tax Collector
220 E. McCollum Ave.
Bushnell, FL 33513

Phone: 352-569-6740


A requester is not required to submit their request in writing or in person; nor are they required to disclose the reason for the request. Unless otherwise exempted, a custodian of public records must honor a request for records, whether it is made in person, over the telephone, or in writing, provided the required fees are paid. Additional costs for producing the records may be required if the request is voluminous in nature.

Returned Checks

We are partnered with Envision Payment Solutions for the recovery of returned checks. If your check is dishonored by the bank, a service fee will be assessed in accordance with state law. In providing a check aspayment, you authorize electronic re-presentment if your check should return unpaid. Also, you authorize service charges and processing fees as allowed by state law to be debited from the same account via paper draft or electronic funds transfer. Envision can be contacted at 1-877-290-5460.