Titles, Tags, & Registration

Appointments are required for title transfers and vehicles coming from other states.

Dealers, businesses, and individuals with multiple titles will need to contact the office before scheduling appointments.

You must have the original title in your possession in order to schedule a title appointment. If you have a lien or a leased vehicle and do not have your title, do not schedule an appointment. You will need to submit this form to have our office request your title.

If your out of state tag is expiring within the next 5 days or has been expired for 30 days or less, you can schedule a title appointment and we will issue you a temporary tag. We must have requested your title before the temporary tag can be issued, and have proof of your expiration date, such as your out of state registration.

If you prefer to drop off or mail in your title work for processing, you will need to complete this packet and include your original title.

To register your vehicle in Florida we will need the following:

  • All registered owners must be present. If one or more registered owner is not able to be present in the office, this packet or this form will need to be completed, with original signatures
  • Photo identification- State issued driver’s license or ID card for each registered owner
  • Original out of state title (If you have a lien on your vehicle you will need to ask for a letter of request from our office to have the title released to us for registration)
  • Proof of FLORIDA insurance through a FLORIDA agent; (a card, policy or binder will need to be shown in office)
  • The vehicle for VIN verification weather permitting, or a completed form HSMV 82042
  • Bill of sale if vehicle has been purchased within the last six (6) months

  • Florida Transfers:

  • Please bring your photo ID with you to the appointment
  • Titles should be completely and correctly filled out without any alterations
  • If any alterations are made on the title, a bill of sale containing the purchaser, seller, date of sale, purchase price, and VIN number as well as signatures from all parties is required
  • If a registration is needed, please bring current Florida insurance for the vehicle

All motor vehicles, mobile homes and trailers in the State of Florida must be registered, and/or titled.


Vehicles are registered on a staggered basis according to the registered owner's birth month. The registration expires at midnight on the owner's birthday. Exceptions are mobile home registrations, which are renewed in December; company owned vehicles must be renewed in June; truck-tractors, semi-trailers, and 9 passenger and other automobiles for hire, which must be renewed in December. When required by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, the Tax Collector must check proof of insurance on all motor vehicles, except trailers and motorcycles. A delinquent fee is imposed on persons failing to timely register these vehicles. Renewals can be made three months in advance.


Florida uses a metal plate with a series of alpha numeric numbering systems, or combination thereof, depending on the type of vehicle. The renewal sticker, denoting the birth month and year of expiration, is placed in the upper right hand corner. Plates are kept for a ten year period. On the 11th year of renewal, a new plate and decal are issued.


Proof of Florida insurance is required to purchase a license plate in Florida. The minimum insurance requirement is Personal injury protection (PIP) in the amount of at least $10,000 and at least $10,000 in protection damage liability (PDL) insurance. Commercial trucks require additional insurance.


A $225.00 Initial Registration fee is imposed the first time a license plate is purchased for a vehicle. This applies to private automobiles, motor homes, trucks less than 5,000 pounds, with an Out of State or Florida title.


All motor vehicles not currently titled in Florida must have the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) verified by a law enforcement officer, Florida notary public, or at the Tax Collector's office.




The decal and registration can be mailed to the owner for a $.75 mail fee. Metal tags can be mailed for $2.95 mail fee. These amounts must be added to the annual rates.

Specialized Tags


Personalized Tags are ordered from the Tax Collector's Office. Cost of the tag is $40.00 the first year in addition to the annual tax and fees. After the first year, the cost is $12.00 per year plus annual tax and fees. Personalized tags may be ordered for private or company owned cars, trucks, motor homes, motorcycles and leased vehicles. Specialty plates are also available for personalization with additional annual fees that vary based on the type of license plate. Please complete this form if you would like to order a personalized tag.


Click here for detailed information on available tags such as sports teams, college and universities, special projects, and endangered species.


A Florida Parking Placard is issued to any individual with one of the disabilities listed in section 320.0848, Florida Statutes. Permanent placards can only be issued to individuals with a Florida driver’s license or ID card and is valid for up to 4 years. If your disability is temporary, or you have a license or ID card from another state, you may receive a placard for up to 6 months. This form must be completed by your physician or other qualifying agency. The fee for a temporary placard is $15.00. There is no charge for a 4 year placard.

Customers who prefer a disability license plate can purchase one if they have a permanent parking placard and the name of the disabled person is on the title to the vehicle.

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